😃 About Me

Hi, I am currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, under the guidance of Prof. Wenhan Luo and Prof. Yike Guo. Prior to this, I obtained my Ph.D. degree from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong (CityU), supervised by Prof. Hongbo Fu in June 2024, and B.E. degree from School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology (SCUT), in June 2019, supervised by Prof. Shengfeng He.

My research interests include Computer Graphics (CG) and Human-computer Interaction (HCI). Specifically, I mainly focus on controllable AIGC, striving to create an interactive CG system for content generation and manipulation, which can be controlled by users. My research has been featured in top-tier conferences and journals, including SIGGRAPH (Asia), ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG, ACM CHI, IEEE TMM, CGF, etc. Recently, my research works include sketch-based image synthesis and editing, and sketch-based 3D reconstruction. Please refer to my publication page for more details.

I am open to discussing any research ideas, collaborations, and job opportunities! You may reach me at
✉️ Email: chufengxiao[at]outlook[dot]com
🏤 Address: Floor 7, LSK, HKUST, Hong Kong

🎉 News

  • [07/2024] One paper DrawingSpinUp was accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
  • [07/2024] Our paper CustomSketching was accepted by Pacific Graphics 2024 and will be published in Computer Graphics Forum.
  • [06/2024] Started my post-doc at HKUST!
  • [05/2024] I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis: Sketch-based 2D & 3D Content Generation with Generative Models.
  • [12/2023] One paper Sketch2Stress was accepted by IEEE TVCG.
  • [09/2023] I was awarded “Outstanding Academic Performance Award 2023” from CityU.
  • [01/2023] One paper ProObjAR was accepted by CHI 2023.
  • [09/2022] I was awarded “Research Tuition Scholarship 2022” by CityU.
  • [08/2022] Our paper DifferSketching was accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 and will be published in ACM TOG.
  • [08/2022] I was awarded “Style3D Graphics Graduate Fellowship 2022” by Style3D.
  • [04/2022] I visited ICGL Lab, Peking University, supervised by Prof. Zhouhui Lian.
  • [09/2021] I was awarded “Research Tuition Scholarship 2021” from CityU.
  • [08/2021] Our paper SketchHairSalon was accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 and will be published in ACM TOG.

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